Casas del Golf | Viviendas unifamiliares en Antequera – Málaga
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"When I will leave searching

the undiscoverable house, where this lava flower blows,
where storms and exhausting bliss are born, when will my search for it cease?"
René Cazelles 1953

The sum is more.

Desire, complicity, life traps us here more than there. It gives us
the capacity to relate to each other complicity; establishing trusting
relationships and rapport without even realizing it.

The smell of freshly cut grass

seizes the house and brings it gently toward spaces of
restorative freedom. Spaces filled with fields where silence
and nature convene with powerful presence.

We understand architecture

and space as a tool to help make, to invest in, and to transform
dreams into realities. Where it is possible to recreate in each
moment of life a scene of potent pleasant memories.

Collective centrality.

A novel culture of sharing and living in common space.
Interrelated spaces set aside for expansion, play, and individual
and family well-being.

Friendly and versatile spaces.

Designed to adapt to a life of change. Spaces and hidden
corners where communication and relationships flow and
grow naturally.